Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cute, Cuddly, Endangered Creature Needs some PR

OK, the title may be a bit misleading from most people's perspective.  Afterall, those creatures who are cute and cuddly often do not need nearly the PR of those that many find to be "creepy", and a short YouTube clip of, say, a baby Panda will have purse strings loosening around the globe. 
However, biodiversity is a good thing, and hopefully something that the people on an island near Australia will embrace as well as people in general.  The story of how this creature survived against the odds, though unclear, is pretty fascinating just as the story of how they were driven to the brink of extinction illustrates the danger of invasive species.
Enjoy, and while you may not wish to snuggle up with one of these little cuties, surely you will still say "awww" when you read how they sleep in couples, the male embracing the female.
Patrick Honan holds two of the rare Lord Howe Island stick insects.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Welcome to the laboratory

The blog has been sitting for long enough with no posts.  Partly because of my being so busy with grad school as well as keeping a teacher's long hours, but some has to do with the fact that I have been working on graduate level assignments which generally require a lot of work and proofing and revising to produce a quality product. After doing this long enough, one begins to feel that anything written must undergo this process or it is not ready to publish. This forum will NOT receive the same attention as, say, a research proposal I have worked on for a year now; it is a blog after all.  That said, I will try to post some clean and concise posts fairly regularly though the blog will often get "back burnered" because it is not a paid gig. 
The blog will contain some posts pertaining to common science lessons or concepts from high school science classes, but I will also write about things I read, science in polics (especially due to this being an election year), other sciencey stuff, and sometimes just whatever happens to fall out of my head. 